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Tushkenova Elmira Zeynullovna

Total work experience: 24 years

Pedagogical experience: 24 years

  College history

In the era of time, the main goal of the nation is to educate a competent intellectually developed generation.

                The main goal of the teaching staff of the Institution College "Service Spheres" is to educate a comprehensive and harmoniously developed personality, improving the quality of knowledge of training competitive specialists, educating healthy, cultured, modern youth that meets the requirements of modern society,   creation  conditions   to receive a quality professional education.

  Institution College "Service Spheres",  training specialists in technical and vocational education, established in 2005, operates on the basis of state license No.  KZ00LAA00006312, issued  December 14, 2015 Form of ownership -  private.

   In 2013,  in connection with the reorganization of professional lyceums,  was attached to the College of Service Spheres  Professional lyceum "Bolashak", which trains workers in the sectors of the national economy.  Institution College "Service Spheres" was established on April 5, 2005.

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