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Organization of the educational process

The organization of the educational process is the main of all the activities of the college.
The purpose of organizing the educational process is to create the necessary conditions for students to master the disciplines of the specialty and obtain qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Educational activities in the college are carried out in the state and Russian languages.
Planning the working and study time of teachers and students involves: 
- The full-time academic year begins on September 1 and ends according to the working curriculum for a specific specialty and the schedule of the educational process. 
- Vacation time is 11 weeks per year, including at least 2 weeks in winter.
- The volume of compulsory training sessions for students should not exceed 36 hours per week. The specified volume does not include classes in optional disciplines and consultations.
- For all types of classroom studies and laboratory work, an academic hour is set with a duration of 90 minutes.
The main documents that determine the content and organization of the educational process in the college are: the schedule of the educational process, the working curriculum, the schedule of classes, the work programs of academic disciplines, methodological materials that ensure the implementation of relevant educational programs. All of these documents are approved by the director of the college.
The main forms of training sessions in the college are: lectures, practical classes, tests, tests, consultations, master classes, defense of thesis and term papers.
Classes are conducted by the teaching staff, in accordance with the staffing of the college. Part-time students from among the college staff, teachers from other educational institutions, as well as practicing specialists corresponding to the profile of the disciplines being taught can be involved in conducting classes.
The academic year at the college begins with a solemn event for freshmen "Knowledge Day".
They are assigned to first-year groups.
During the first week of studies, the study unit issues to first-year students  student tickets and progress books.
Organization of intermediate certification (exam)
The organization of intermediate certification is carried out in accordance with the Model Rules for the ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate and final certification of students in organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education.
For all disciplines, intermediate certification is provided, the main forms of which are: test, credit, testing, exam.
Examinations and tests are carried out during the study time allotted for the study of this discipline.
Intermediate certification of students is carried out in accordance with the Schedule of the educational process.
The schedule of exams is drawn up before the start of the exam session, approved by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and brought to the attention of students and teachers no later than two weeks before the start of the exam session.
  Based on the results of the next session at the end of the academic year, the academic unit prepares a draft order on the transfer of students to the next course of study, or on expulsion in case of non-fulfillment of the curriculum.
Organization of final certification
The organization of the final certification is carried out in accordance with the Model Rules for the ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate and final certification of students in organizations of technical and vocational, post-secondary education.

Academic work in college

The organization of the educational process is the main of all the activities of the college. The purpose of organizing the educational process is to create the necessary conditions for students to master the disciplines of the specialty and obtain qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard.

The educational process in the college is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" dated July 27, 2007 No. 319-III, the Model Rules for the Activities of Technical and Vocational Education Organizations, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 17, 2013 No. 499 (as amended on April 7, 2017 No. 171), the State Compulsory Education Standard, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 23, 2012 No. 1080 (as amended No. 484 dated August 15, 2017).

Educational activities in the college are carried out in the state and Russian languages.

Planning the working and study time of teachers and students involves: 

- The full-time academic year begins on September 1 and ends according to the working curriculum for a specific specialty and the schedule of the educational process. 

- The volume of compulsory training sessions for students does not exceed 36 hours per week.

- For all types of classroom studies and laboratory work, an academic hour is set with a duration of 90 minutes.

The main documents that determine the content and organization of the educational process in the college are: the schedule of the educational process, the working curriculum, the schedule of classes, the work programs of academic disciplines, methodological materials that ensure the implementation of relevant educational programs. All of these documents are approved by the director of the college.

Classes in the college are held in accordance with the working curriculum for the academic year.

- Attendance of classes by students in accordance with the class schedule is mandatory.

- The academic year at the college is divided into two semesters.

- The winter session takes place in December, and at the end of it comes the winter holidays, which last for two weeks.

- The summer session takes place in June, and the summer holidays take place in July and August.

- During the year, sections of knowledge are held in disciplines according to the curriculum.

- At the end of each semester, intermediate certification takes place in the form of final tests and exams (examination session).

- At the end of each calendar month, certification is carried out in all disciplines.

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