Youth Committee
The strategic goal of the development of the Committee for Youth Affairs in the field of youth policy is to ensure the conditions for the educational process based on modern technologies for working with youth, as well as the full development and self-realization of the personal qualities of student youth, capable of making a worthy contribution to the development of Kazakhstani society.
The Committee for Youth Affairs carries out its activities in the following areas:
organization of events for the implementation of the State Youth Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring the observance of the rights and social protection of student youth;
coordination of the activities of public organizations of the college, self-government bodies and interest clubs;
organization of events for the prevention of religious extremism, delinquency among student youth and the fight against corruption;
organization of events for socio-political, moral, ethno-cultural education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
organization of recreational and educational activities in order to prevent smoking and reduce the number of smokers among students, combat drug addiction;
organization of events aimed at instilling elements of culture and a creative worldview, respect for elders, moral and psychological impact.
Chairman of the Youth Committee - Ramazan Gulzhan Serikzhankyzy
"Kyzmet korsetu salasy" college zhastar and committee
Ramadan Gulzhan Serikzhankyzy
208 top students
BAYLANYS PHONES: 87006516872
Zhastar іsі zhonіndegі committee - oқu ornynyn student өzіn-özі baskarumen ainalysatyn қogamdyқ student ұyymy. Studenttik өzіn-özі baskaru collegdin әleumettik belsendі studenttik zhastarynyn қoғamdyқ әreket etu tүrі .
The Youth Affairs Committee is the state student body of the institute, which deals with student self-government. Student self-government is a form of social activity for socially active students.
Sergazinov Sabina Zhumagazykyzy
206 top students
BAYLANYS PHONES: 87776743172
Sanaly ұrpaқ-bіlіm beru zhүyesіnde sybailas zhқorlykty zhoyu, bіlіm beru zhүyesі arқyly sybailas zhқorlyқtan bas tartu ortasyn kalyptastyru.
Elimination of corruption in the conscious reproductive system, formation of an environment for rejecting corruption through the education system.
Zhumanova Akniet Omirbekkyzy
304 top students
BAYLANYS PHONES: 87072421916
Zhas police zhasagy- kәmiletke tolmaғandardyң zaңғa moiyn ұsynushylyқ minez құлқын қаlyptastyru, olardyn boyinda imandylyқ pen salauatty omіr saltynyn negіzderіn damytu baғytyndaүаүагі shar. Sebepsiz sabak bosatatyn okushylardy anyktau, esepke alu tiisti sharalardy zhuzege asyru
The young police squad is engaged in the formation of law-abiding behavior of minors, as well as the implementation of basic measures to promote morality and a healthy lifestyle. Identifies students who missed classes without a valid reason and takes appropriate action.
Kurmangalieva Tolkyn Muratkyzy
304 top students
BAYLANYS PHONES: 87079878379
Eldership ұyymy- azamattyқ mәdenietіn қalyptastyru, belsendі azamattyқ studentter, olardyң әleumettіk kemeldenu, tәuelsіzdіgіn, өzіn-өzі ұyymdastyru zhane өzіn-өzі damytuғa zhәrdemdesu, oқu іsіn baқylau zhane ұyymdastyru, oқytu protsesіnde studentterdің өzіn-өzі shyғarmashylyқ қyzmettі zhandandyrudy zertteu tiіmdіlіgі tabystylyғyn arttyrady changed.
Starostat - increases the efficiency and success of teaching civic culture, active civic students, their social maturity, independence, self-organization and self-development, control and organization of educational activities, as well as enhancing the creative activity of students in the learning process.
Papysheva Amina Asetovna
103 top students
BAYLANYS PHONES: 87784487888
College eriktiler ortalygy Kazakhstandyk eriktiler kozgalysyna student of zhastardy tartuғa arnalgan zhagdaydy zhasaydy.
The college volunteer center creates conditions for the involvement of students in the Kazakhstani volunteer movement, the development and activation of the volunteer movement.
student life
Volunteer organization "Meyirim"
Volunteer organization "Meyirim" - develops such qualities as patriotism, mercy, responsibility, mutual understanding with each other and leadership qualities. The most important thing is that young people can find their place in life, society and do charity work.
Goals and tasks of the Meyirim organization:
Development students College of Service Spheres social responsibility and mutual assistance;
Formation of environmental and aesthetic standards, patriotism and leadership qualities;
Providing spiritual and physical assistance needy people.
Development in children and the elderly, efforts against various diseases and interest in life.
The head of the club "Meyirim" - Beisembaeva Marzhan Nauryzbaevna
Club chairman - student 1 course Papyshova
Student organization "Sanalyurpaq"
Student organization "Sanalyurpaq" - voluntary association of students aimed at combating corruption at the university, fostering academic honesty of students and providing information support to students.
The student organization is involved in the implementation of three areas of the project:
Anti-Corruption culture, whose tasks are to increase anti-corruption literacy of all subjects in the field of education; cultivation of anti-corruption behavior among the subjects of education and the transformation of students and teachers into active participants in anti-corruption policy.
Academic honesty, the tasks of which are to form an environment in educational organizations that does not accept the "selling of grades"; encouraging teachers to apply anti-corruption mechanisms in practice, increasing the cult of knowledge among pupils and students.
Informational support, whose tasks are information support of the student organization; ensuring effective "feedback" through the media, including social networks, maximum involvement of citizens, experts, public figures, subjects of education and science, etc. in the student organization.
Target - creation of conditions in educational institutions for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, enterprising and socially competent citizen and patriot of his country.
Main tasks club:
implementation of measures aimed at spiritual and moral and civil and patriotic education;
formation of political and legal knowledge among students;
formation of anti-corruption consciousness and anti-corruption culture among students;
encouraging initiatives to promote zero tolerance for corruption;
participation in the organization of anti-corruption events.
Organization leaders: psychologist Rustemova Zhuldyz Zhumabaevna and 2nd year student Sergazinova Sabina
The club includes elders groups.
A team of chess players has been formed among college students, organized by the student council and physical education teachers. Team members are participants in intra-college, city and other competitions, winners of chess games held at various levels.
Formation of a healthy lifestyle, promotion of the game of chess;
Develop the ability to analyze and
draw conclusions; develop volitional personality traits
Stimulation of self-development, logic, memory, concentration of students' attention through the game of chess;
Orientation of students to the effective use of free time;
Develop will and character, discipline;
Development of healthy rivalry, attracting students to sports competitions;
cultivate respect for the partner,
self-discipline, the ability to control oneself and achieve goals, to cultivate a sense of responsibility and mutual assistance;
A togyzkumalak game team was created among college students, organized by the student council and physical education teachers. Team members take part in intra-college, city and other togyz-kumalak competitions and win prizes.
Formation of a healthy lifestyle, promotion of the game togyzkumalak;
Stimulation of self-development, logic, memory, concentration of attention, develop logical mathematical thinking and endurance of students through the game in togyzkumalak;
Effective use of students' free time;
To develop students' will and character, discipline;
Development of rivalry and participation of students in sports competitions;
Development of students' creative abilities and abilities.
Debate club "Parasat"
Debate is an intellectual game, which is a special form of discussion that is conducted according to certain rules. Debates develop logical and critical thinking, develop the skills of a communicative culture and public speaking, prepare for independent decision-making, and contribute to the formation of individuals as future leaders of society.
Today, debates are one of the most popular youth activities in Kazakhstan. Our college also has a debate club called Parasat.
Tasks of the debate club:
Form a generation of socially mature, responsible young people who are able to think critically and creatively;
To form an active civic position of students of a higher educational institution;
Cultivate the need for self-education among the younger generation;
To teach oratory skills and the rules for conducting discussions;
To instill the ability to resolve disputes diplomatically
Reveal new ideas for the implementation of government programs and projects.
Circle "Accountant"
Supervisor : Iskakova Altyn Bolatbekovna
Time spending: Wednesday, 14.00 – 16.00
The purpose of the circle is to expand students' knowledge of accounting, analysis, audit; deepening knowledge in the field of methodology and organization of accounting, analysis and audit; studying the regulatory and legislative framework for accounting regulation, studying international experience in the field of accounting, analysis, audit, comparing it with the Russian system, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of these systems.
Working hours of the circle: 2 times a month, on Wednesdays.
Circle "Cook"
Supervisor Arinova Anar Gabdulgazizovna
Time spending: Wednesday 14.00 – 16.00
The purpose of the circle is expanding and deepening the knowledge and skills of students in the subject "Cookery", creating equipment and visual aids to replenish the classroom and developing on this basis the technical creativity of students, familiarize them with the history of the culinary craft, give basic concepts, instill the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for passing educational and industrial practice.