Student honor code
This code defines the basic rules of conduct for college students
"Service areas"
1.2 The code of honor of students is aimed at creating a favorable climate among the student environment for the formation of a competitive specialist who is able to actively participate in the cultural, social, economic and political life of the country.
A student of the Service Spheres College is:
- a patriot who perceives the successes of the country and the College as his own;
- an example of a conscientious and creative attitude to learning, the desire to master modern technologies;
- a highly educated person, striving for self-improvement, knowing the national and world culture, learning foreign languages, respecting the traditions of other peoples;
− a law-abiding citizen with a high level of moral and legal consciousness;
− an active participant in the educational, research, social, cultural, and sports life of the college.
3.1 Student College complies with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the College.
Internal regulations, Rules for living in a hostel and other normative acts of the college on the organization of the educational process.
3.2 A college student knows and honors the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, national culture, history and statehood of Kazakhstan, carefully preserves and enhances the traditions of the college.
3.3 The student is aware of his responsibility for the implementation of the mission and policy of the college.
3.4 The college student is polite, correct and considerate in dealing with other students, teachers and college administration
3.5 A college student treats any person with respect, regardless of his origin and nationality, social status, religious or worldview beliefs.
3.6 A college student strictly fulfills his academic obligations, does not allow ethical, academic and legal violations, including:
- forgery;
- the use of cheat sheets, cheating and tips at all stages of various forms of knowledge control, plagiarism;
- the use of family or service ties to obtain a higher score;
- bribery;
- deception of the teacher and disrespectful attitude towards him;
absenteeism and tardiness without a good reason.
3.7 A college student takes care of the safety of the property of the college and suppresses vandalism on its territory. college student carefully treats the library and information resources of the College, avoiding careless or sabotage attitude towards them.
3.8 A college student looks neat, his appearance meets the requirements of the internal regulations.
3.9 A college student leads a healthy lifestyle, strives to improve his cultural, moral and physical level, takes an active part in the social, cultural, scientific and sports life of the college
3.10 A college student must not commit illegal acts, both in college and outside it.
3.11 The student must not allow the dissemination of information aimed at destabilizing order in the country, as well as participate in unauthorized meetings, demonstrations, rallies, pickets, actions and marches.
3.12 A college student refrains from participating in any activity that is contrary to the interests of the university, damaging the image and reputation of the EKGC.
3.13 The college student strives for the formation of a system of truly democratic relations between students, staff and college administration in EKGC
3.14 The student is conscientious about his studies and actively participates in the social life of the college.
3.15 The student observes a high culture, shows respect for moral and spiritual qualities, maintains cultural communication skills with other students, makes the right decision in any situation.
3.16 A college student who discovers a violation of the provisions of the Code tries to stop it on his own or notifies the teaching staff or administration about this.
4.1 The code of honor is equally mandatory for students of the college "Service Spheres"
4.2 College students are required to bear strict responsibility for their activities and behavior.
4.3 Violation of the norms of the Code of Honor is considered as an action incompatible with the status of a student of the college "Service Spheres"
Office work of the class teacher
Normative documentation of the college on VR (regulations, instructions), Laws, Resolutions;
Plan VR;
Journal of the class teacher;
Demographic tables;
Acts of inspection of living conditions of non-residents;
Journal of TB and tables of familiarization on the threat of terrorism;
Methodological development of class hours in all areas, protocols of class meetings to discuss Laws, Messages, etc.;
Working with parents. Letters, answers, minutes of parent meetings, list of visits to parent meetings;
Semester and year reports;
Analyzes of mutual attendance of class hours;
Reports, speeches on educational work at teachers' councils, methodological councils, conferences, the Council of class hands. etc.;
Achievements and awards of the group (diplomas, letters of thanks);
Work with students from the "risk group" (missing classes without good reason, what kind of work you do with them as a mentor, have complete data on them, where they live, parents, relatives, etc.);
Employment tables for holidays and vacation time.
Plan of educational work
Organization of educational work
The purpose of educational work: the creation of conditions to train competitive specialists, development of creative activity of students, their ability to independently solve emerging problems and continuous self-improvement.
Course 1
Adaptation and perception of personal and social norms and rules, instilling interest in the future specialty through:
Acquaintance with the system and structure of college education.
Acquaintance with the traditions of the college, internal regulations. Signing the charter of the rights and obligations of students and teachers.
Education of Kazakhstani patriotism, knowledge of state symbols, customs and traditions of the people.
Instilling skills of independent work, creativity, participation in competitions, conferences, competitions, literary readings.
Participation in general college events, in the work of subject circles, circles of interest.
Monitoring the learning and upbringing of students.
The desire for education through the program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Rukhani Zhangyru"
Through the program "Tugan zher" to instill in the student a rational and emotional attitude towards the Motherland. To instill patriotism, expressed in love for the native land, its culture, customs and traditions.
Instilling in students a sense of true patriotism, which is expressed in love, pride and devotion to their village, city, region, its history, culture, traditions and way of life, moral duty to the Motherland through the Tugan Zher program.
Formation of high morality among students through spiritual enrichment, preservation and popularization of the rich traditions of the people, respect for nature and the world around.
development among young people of citizenship, patriotism as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, the formation of professionally significant qualities and skills for their active manifestation in various spheres of society.
introducing students to reading as a tool for the spiritual and intellectual breakthrough of the nation, contributing to the development of the multinational culture of the people of Kazakhstan.
2 k u r s
Consolidation and improvement of social activity skills, professional orientation of training through:
1. The acquisition of solid knowledge in the subjects of general professional and special cycles.
The study of the basics of organizational and socio-political work.
Participation in circles of technical creativity, olympiads, the work of clubs in specialties, student reviews.
Presentation of reports at scientific and practical conferences, participation in competitions "Best in profession".
Instilling in students a sense of true patriotism, which is expressed in love, pride and devotion to their village, city, region, its history, culture, traditions and way of life, moral duty to the Motherland through the Tugan Zher program.
Formation of high morality among students through spiritual enrichment, preservation and popularization of the rich traditions of the people, respect for nature and the world around.
3 course
Further improvement of professional skills. Determining the interests of students, their preparedness for practical activities in the institutions of the city, region, the ability to work with people. Acquisition of professional training and team leadership skills through:
Mastering theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities in special subjects.
Implementation of theoretical and practical developments on topical issues.
Improving professional skills and instilling love for the profession.
Instilling in students a sense of true patriotism, which is expressed in love, pride and devotion to their village, city, region, its history, culture, traditions and way of life, moral duty to the Motherland through the Tugan Zher program.
Education in students as competitive, pragmatic, strong, responsible, creative Personalities of the One Nation. Development of the national system of education and training.
Formation of high morality among students through spiritual enrichment, preservation and popularization of the rich traditions of the people, respect for nature and the world around.
Inner order rules
Internal regulations for students college "Service areas"
General provisions
1.1. These Rules are the main normative act that determines the internal schedule of students' activities in College of Service Spheres
1.2. Students (persons enrolled in the College for training by order of the director) are required to acquire knowledge, perform all types of tasks provided for by the curricula and educational programs in a timely manner.
1.3. Academic discipline is provided by the administration of the College by creating the necessary organizational and economic conditions for normal high-performance work, conscious fulfillment of educational duties by methods of persuasion, education, as well as encouragement for conscientious work and education. Disciplinary measures are applied to violators of discipline.
2. Basic rights of students
College students have the right to:
2.1. to receive education in accordance with the state obligatory standards of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2.2. for training on an educational grant and on a contractual basis;
2.3. to receive scholarships in the prescribed amount (for persons studying under the state order);
2.4. acquire knowledge corresponding to the modern level of development of science, technology and culture;
2.5. to respect for one's human dignity, freedom of conscience, information, free expression of one's own opinions and convictions;
2.6. to participate in the discussion and resolution of the most important issues of the college, including through public student organizations and college governing bodies;
2.7. for free use of the college library, information funds, services of educational, medical and other departments;
2.8. the opportunity to participate in all types of creative projects, research projects, conferences, symposiums, meetings, competitions, festivals, submission for publication of their works to engage in subject circles;
2.9.participate in conferences, various competitions, amateur performances, in the work of sports sections, in competitions, Health Days and other events organized by the structural divisions of the College;
2.10. receive advice from teachers on the subjects studied, the opportunity to speak about the quality and methods of teaching and make suggestions for their improvement;
2.11. for moral and (or) material incentives for special academic achievements and active participation in the educational and social work of the College;
2.12. choose elective courses offered by the College teachers;
2.13. to elect and be elected to the student government of the college.
3. Main responsibilities of students
College students are required to:
3.1. fulfill the obligations enshrined in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education";
3.2. comply with the Charter of the College, the internal regulations of the activities of students, comply with the decisions of the Pedagogical Council, orders and orders of the director, deputy directors that regulate educational, creative, scientific processes, their organization and conduct;
3.3. students of all forms of education of the College are required to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their chosen specialty, complete all types of assignments on time, pass all exams and tests in strict accordance with the curricula and study programs on time (examination session);
3.4. Attend training sessions in accordance with the State Educational Standards and complete all types of tasks provided for by the curriculum and programs in a timely manner, eliminate debts in a timely manner;
3.5. comply with the requirements for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, occupational health and fire protection, provided for by the relevant rules and instructions approved by the Director of the College;
3.6. take care of the property of the College, preventing its damage, effectively use equipment and technology, use the allocated resource for working on the Internet exclusively for educational and research purposes, take care of the items given out for use by students, economically and rationally use energy, water and other resources;
3.7. respect the human dignity and opinion of students, teachers, college staff, be tolerant of the opinions of others, intolerant of any antisocial manifestations;
3.8. while in the College building, behave with dignity, refrain from actions that prevent other students from fulfilling their duties, follow generally accepted moral and ethical standards, take care of the business reputation of the College;
3.9. be disciplined and organized, keep cleanliness and order in all educational and other premises of the College, regularly take part in cleaning activities of educational and auxiliary premises of the educational building of the College and the surrounding area;
3.10. be disciplined and tidy, behave with dignity in the College, on the street, in public places and at home;
3.11 be in the classrooms, corridors of the College in the classical form of clothing with a badge of the established sample. At physical education lessons in sportswear. Boys should wear short hair, clean-shaven, girls - neat hairstyles, hair collected;
3.12. at the entrance to the audience of teachers, representatives of the administration to greet them, getting up from their seats;
3.13. during training sessions, listen carefully to the explanations of the teachers and the answers of the comrades, do not talk, do not be distracted, follow all the instructions of the teacher. When asking and answering questions, get up and sit down only with the permission of the teacher. Entering and leaving the classroom during classes is possible only with the permission of the teacher;
3.14. in case of non-attendance for classes due to illness or other valid reasons, immediately notify the head of the department, the class teacher, the head of the group about this. The reason for missing classes is considered disrespectful if the student did not notify the head of the department, the class teacher, the head of the group, having started classes, did not submit a justifying document within three days. In case of illness, the student must submit a certificate issued by the student clinic;
3.15. in each group, the head of the group is elected from among the most successful and disciplined students;
3.16. the duties of the headman of the group include maintaining discipline in the group, timely receipt and distribution of textbooks among the students of the group, timely delivery of the necessary documents to the head of the department;
3.17. the headman of the group reports directly to the class teacher, head of the department and carries out all their oral and written instructions and brings them to the knowledge of his group.
3.18 students studying on a commercial basis pay for tuition by paying a fee no later than the 20th day of each month
4. In the premises of the College it is prohibited:
4.1. loud conversations, noise, listening to music, using obscene language, walking along the corridors during classes;
4.2. acts of physical violence or threats, mistreatment and insults to each other, theft of the property of others, deliberate damage to the personal property of others and the College, aggressive or hooligan behavior (rude behavior, shouting, etc.), as well as other illegal actions;
4.3. smoking, littering, spitting in the building, on the territory, in the yard, on the porch of the main entrance of the educational building;
4.4. the use of alcoholic beverages, the use of toxic and narcotic intoxication;
4.5. bring, transfer or use weapons, explosives, gas cartridges, use any means and substances that can lead to explosions and fires;
4.6. use physical force to sort things out, perform any actions that entail dangerous consequences for others;
4.7 consumption of seeds, gambling;
4.8. use bright makeup, wear a lot of jewelry, wear a long and bright manicure;
4.9. put on the walls, classroom tables and in other places any inscriptions and drawings, paste up and hang out announcements and other materials without the permission of the administration;
4.10. hold public events of a political and religious nature in violation of public order and the regulations for their holding, use the attributes of unregistered organizations and promote ideas that are contrary to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4.11. run along the corridors and stairs, push other students, throw various objects at each other;
4.12. wearing religious clothing, opening prayer rooms, and using religious paraphernalia in the college;
4.13. come to college in shorts, T-shirts, slates, sportswear, except for physical education lessons and sports events;
4.14. to bring outerwear (coats, jackets, raincoats, hats, etc.) into the classrooms;
4.15. eat and drink while exercising;
4.16. interrupt classes, enter and leave the classroom during classes without the permission of the teacher;
4.17. to prevent actions aimed at inciting racial, national, religious hatred and discord, at humiliating national honor and dignity;
4.18. without the permission of the College administration to take out various equipment, other property of the college.
5. Rewards for academic excellence
5.1. For academic success and active participation in the creative, scientific and social life of the College, the following forms of moral and material incentives are established for students:
a) acknowledgment;
b) awarding the Honorary Diploma of the College;
c) other incentives.
6. Responsibility for violation of academic discipline
6.1. for non-compliance with curricula, violations of the duties stipulated by the Charter of the College, the Internal Regulations, the following disciplinary measures may be applied:
1) remark;
2) reprimand;
3) expulsion from college;
6.2.students may receive disciplinary action in the following cases:
a) a single or systematic failure to fulfill obligations under these Internal Regulations:
b) use of the educational premises for other purposes;
c) destruction or damage to the educational premises;
d) storage, distribution of narcotic drugs;
e) in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
f) if there are absences of classes without good reason, the student:
36 hours in advance - a warning is issued;
in 72 hours - a reprimand is announced;
more than 98 hours - expelled from college;
6.3. the application of disciplinary sanctions is formalized by the order of the director of the College;
6.4. when applying a disciplinary sanction, the severity of the misconduct committed, the circumstances under which it was committed, previous studies and the student's behavior are taken into account;
6.5. students are not allowed to be expelled during their illness (documented), academic leave;
6.6 a student may be expelled from the College:
- at their own request, including due to illness or in connection with a transfer to another educational institution;
- for academic failure (when receiving three or more unsatisfactory grades per session, in case of non-liquidation of academic debts within the established time limits);
- for violation of the terms of the contract, if the training is carried out on the basis of full reimbursement of costs;
- for gross or repeated violation of the obligations stipulated by the Charter of the College, these Rules, while repeated violation of the above rules is considered if the student was previously subjected to disciplinary action or influence within one year;
- for committing a crime established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force, as well as for committing other unlawful acts discrediting the title of a student;
- for the use of narcotic substances, not caused by a medical necessity;
Cyclogram of the work of the class teacher
Working with latecomers and finding out the reasons for the absence of students in class.
Catering for students.
Organization of duty in the office.
Individual work with students.
Analysis of student attestation.
Carrying out activities in the group according to the plan.
Working with parents on a case-by-case basis.
Work with subject teachers according to the situation.
Meeting with a nurse for information about the illness of students.
Psychologist consultations.
Attend classes in your group.
Solving household issues (food, travel tickets, etc.).
Meeting with the parent asset.
Working with group assets.
Seminar of class teachers.
Every semester
Analysis of the implementation of the work plan for the semester.
Correction of the plan of educational work for the new semester.
Conducting a parent meeting.
Holding an open event.
Registration of personal files of students.
Analysis and preparation of a work plan with the class team.
Collection of statistical data about the group, examination of the IDU
Conducting classroom meetings
Thursday 1 of the month - analysis of academic performance, attendance and lateness, on the results of certification for the month
2 Thursday of the month - themed class hour
3 Thursday of the month - going to the city (excursions, hiking, etc.)
4 Thursday of the month - thematic meetings: discussions of the President's programs, laws, etc.